

If you are accepted as an Impression Talent model, you will be promoted for the types of work that you prefer. We are in the process of expanding into fashion markets in a variety of other countries as well.

There are divisions for print, commercial, actresses and others, depending on your experience.

After you submit your photos and information as listed under "rules", we will contact you via email and/or phone as clients express interest in you. If you are in a city where we have a local office, then you will be invited to participate in a casting. Typically, clients will either be present in the castings or we will conduct a video casting for clients in other locations to make a decision.


  1. A serious interest in modeling.

  2. English ability, at least spoken.

  3. A great personality, reliable, and accountable.

  4. You must have parental consent if you are under 18 years of age.


  • Photos should not be professional, do not pose.
  • Use a digital camera. Background should be a plain (preferably white wall).
  • Keep hair natural and do not wear makeup.
  • Photos should include some with your hair up and some with your hair down.
  • Impression Scouts are interested in seeing your natural beauty!

  • If you have professional images, copies of prior work, covers of magazines in which you appeared, or castings, submit them in the highest resolution that you have. The preference is to have 10-20 photos showing your versatility with fashion shots, indoor, outdoor, and swimsuit. If you are a dancer or actress, you can submit links to videos (or the entire video) to demonstrate your ability.
  • If you do not have professional photos and are accepted, we can help coordinate a casting.


  • Email all your information to info@impressiontalent.com. The preference is that you zip all the information so that we receive it all in one email.
  • For large files, you can use a service like You Send It.